life is a treasure map
and also the treasure
—Terri Guillemets
life is a treasure map
and also the treasure
—Terri Guillemets
Read instead of watch TV?
Now there’s a novel idea!
—Terri Guillemets
her head was cracked —
not tragically, just poetically
it’s how the poems got in —
and out
—Terri Guillemets
the smell of ink is
intoxicating to me —
others may have wine
but I have poetry
—Terri Guillemets
Music echoes rhythms of the universe
Music is audible time
Music is past meets present
Our heartbeats are the drums of life
We dance to life, not music
—Terri Guillemets
He asked to meet
He wanted to talk
He tried to kiss me
He tried to grab
We parted ways
He was mad
That I wouldn’t
Give him anything
I was mad about
What he was
Trying to take
—Terri Guillemets
I’m an insomniacaholic
if there is such a thing
well, I know there is —
I am one, and their king!
—Terri Guillemets