My five-minute foray into artificial intelligence artwork. Using free app of the day TapUniverse AI Art Generator, input a photo of classic blue and gold marbling from the endpapers of an antique book. After selecting the steampunk style, it generated this nifty image. Well, had my fun and now deleting the app.
Inkside out
a writer tries valiantly
to transform his insides
into an intricate beautiful painting
and publish himself inside-out
for all the world to see
—Terri Guillemets
is an artist insane
painting his way
with the world…
—Terri Guillemets
we feel poetry and art
in the sensitive veins
that run through soul and
carry not blood but spirit
—Terri Guillemets
Who’s there?
Art is when you hear a knocking from your soul — and you answer.
—Terri Guillemets
Logic all
If the world were all logic, poetry would starve to death.
—Terri Guillemets